Seventh Grade

Seventh Grade Curriculum

Teachers:  Ms. Crystal Zahn, Mr. John Meulendyke & Mrs. Lisa Fickau 

We believe all students can and will learn when given the best tools and practices a school has to offer. They need to be engaged in challenging material that is relevant, collaborative, and individualized to meet their specific learning and personal needs. My classroom is a positive learning environment built on trust and mutual respect. Teaching is a partnership which includes teachers, parents, and students working together for the child's best interest. 

In 7th grade students begin a departmentalized schedule. This means your child will have a different teacher for each of the core subject areas. 


Field Trips:

Every other year students have the opportunity to visit the nation’s capital, Washington D.C.  During the school year, 7th graders may attend plays or other field trips related to the curriculum.


7th Grade Curriculum:

United States History 7:   The seventh grade year of United States History focuses on the early years of our nation. Our study begins during the Age of Exploration when the first explorers set foot on what is today the United States of America. Our study continues through the colonial days of our nation all the way through the decades just prior to our United States Civil War. Maps are studied, culture is examined, ideas evaluated, and in-class discussions guide the way each day in class. Students complete and present a project related to the life and accomplishments of one of our nation’s presidents.

English: The 7th grade English course focuses on specific aspects of parts of speech, word usage, and mechanics of writing, as well as speaking and listening skills that will prepare your student for success in the 21st century. The development of specific writing types and styles are emphasized; narrative, informative, and argumentative with a variety of text serving as models for writing. 

Math Curriculum: Algebra - This is a full-year study of Algebra 1. Students solve linear equations and systems, they work with exponential equations, they solve quadratic equations using a variety of methods, and they also spend time in the study of statistic and probability. Graphing and the use of graphing programs or apps is also an integral part of the algebra program. Students are also strongly encouraged to extend their study of algebra beyond the classroom.

Pre-Algebra – Students develop a foundation to work with integers, numeric and algebraic expressions, one and two-step equations, inequalities, graphs and functions, percent, and probabilities. Students participate in a variety of activities, such as scavenger hunts, escape rooms, and Kahoots, to strengthen their skills and understanding of mathematical concepts.

Literature 7 - The seventh graders will continue to develop comprehension skills as they read different types of literary genres in short stories, poems, and novels. Close reading, teacher conferences,  and literature circles help students develop as critical thinkers as they evaluate texts. Novel units are built around different genres and students read a book of their choice each day for at least 20 minutes. Vocabulary is enhanced through the weekly study of Greek and Latin roots.

Science:  7th Grade Science Class gives DRLS students the opportunity to explore the world that God has created for us.  It will focus on the Life Sciences and includes studying cells, genetics, and the different kingdoms of living things.  Students experience the excitement of dissection animals, such as frogs and fetal pigs.

"Free-Style" Fridays- These special Friday classes are set aside for students to learn "life-skills" outside of their daily class curriculum.  These subjects are opportunities for to learn a fun skill that can be applied to daily life.  Subjects include Automotive Repair, the Stock Market, Strategic Game Play, Basics of Cooking, Origami, Scrapbooking and more.  These classes change on the quarter and offer students opportunities to try out different classes.  

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7th grade test result graphic

7th graders are issued a school iPad to use throughout the year. The middle school also shares a cart of Chromebooks that teachers can request to use in their classroom.


7th graders participate in physical education three days per week. They also have electives to take which include: art, theatre, music, and band. 


Lunch & Recess:

Lunch takes place at 12:20p.m., it comes after core classes are complete and before study hall and specials. This is a very important time for students as they get to socialize and see friends that may be in other homerooms. A brief ten minute recess follows the lunch period.